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30 December 1972 - 20 January 1973

Average Viewing Figure: 10.3M


A mysterious identity threatens the power of the Time Lords, and all incarnations of, The Doctor band together to save the day


Jon Pertwee (The Doctor), Patrick Troughton (The Doctor), William Hartnell (The Doctor), Katy Manning (Jo Grant)

Nicholas Courtney (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart), John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Rex Robinson (Dr Tyler), Stephen Thorne (Omega)

Roy Purcell (President of the Council), Laurie Webb (Mr Ollis), Clyde Pollitt (Chancellor), Graham Leaman (Time Lord)

Patricia Prior (Mrs Ollis), Denys Palmer (Corporal Palmer)

Uncredited Cast

Pat Gorman, Leslie Bates, Terence Denville, Terry Sartain, David Billa, David Melbourne (UNIT Soldiers), Cy Town, Rick Newby

John Scott Martin, Murphy Grumbar (Gell Guards), Anthony Lang, Lincoln Wright, Richard Orme, Peter Evans (Time Lords)

Alan Chuntz (Omega's Champion)


Bob Baker, Dave Martin (Writers), Ron Grainer (Title Music), Dudley Simpson (Incidental Music), Dick Mills (Special Sound)

John Baker (Film Cameraman), Bob Roberts (Film Sound), Jim Walker (Film Editor), Michaeljohn Harris (Visual Effects Designer)

Jim Acheson (Costumes), Ann Rayment (Make-Up), Clive Thomas (Lighting), Derek Miller-Timmins (Sound)

Terrance Dicks (Script Editor), Roger Liminton (Designer), Barry Letts (Producer), Lennie Mayne (Director)

Uncredited Crew

Magda Olender (Props Buyer), Dave Havard (Visual Effects Assistant), Hugh Wilson (Film Operations Manager)

Dick Weller, Arthur Hill (Lighting Chargehands), Joe Starie, Bob Hignett (Studio Engineers)

Laurie de Whalley, Don McGregory (Vision Co-ordinators), Johnny Norris (Show Working Supervisor), Sarah Newman (Producer's Secretary)


Filming Locations

  • Ealing Film Studios: Stage 3A

  • Summerfield Bungalow, Rickmansworth, Bucks

  • Springwell Reservoir, Rickmansworth, Bucks

  • Harefield Lime Works Rickmansworth, Bucks

  • YMCA Haling House, Haling Lane, Denham, Bucks

  • Television Centre: Puppet Theatre

  • Television Centre: Studio 1

  • Television Centre: Studio 6


  • UNIT Soldiers [killed by Gell Guards]

    • Gell Guards [possibly killed when Omega's Universe is destroyed]

    • Omega's Champion [possibly killed when Omega's Universe is destroyed]

Production Days

  • 11 Days between Monday 6 November - Tuesday 12 December 1972

Production Errors

  1. A boom microphone appears above John Levene just before The Second Doctor arm arrives in the Tardis 

  2. When UNIT HQ vanishes into Omega' realm, grass appears where the building once stood 

  3. A Gell Guard which chases Tyler collides with a wall before the actions cuts to the next scene 

  4. When The Doctor's lab first disappears, the lab doors are open, but when The Doctor and Jo arrive in the antimatter universe, the door are locked 

  5. When The Doctor and Jo discover Bessie in the antimatter universe, the wheels are covered in white dust. This means Bessie must have been driven into the wasteland and not transported 

  6. Omega is revealed to have no physical form, however Stephen Thorne's mouth can be seen on several occasions

  7. If UNIT HQ is supposed to be a top-secret establishment why ois there a large signpost with information about its function and commanding officer?

Working Titles

  • Deathworld - (storyline)

  • The Black Hole 


​For the first time in the show’s history Doctor Who does an anniversary special bringing back some old faces, and introducing some fresh new ones for good measure. Another (you guessed it) over ambitious script combines some strange but imaginative direction, and decent levels of writing with odd analogies and bizarre metaphors, to keep viewers in the loop when the narrative becomes a confuddled mess of intergalactic proportions. The scripts contain some humour which is overdone, but the subtle humour is spot-on. The duo of Bob Baker/Dave Martin have finally mastered suspense: there’s very little, but the small moments lead to big reveals, which in turn grabs the viewer’s attention. There are some creative scenes which provide a series of intriguing iconography moments, and the sets are downright psychedelic providing some fun moments when the two Doctors have to get everyone out of trouble, but the mastermind behind the trouble, well that another’s story.
   The Gell Guards look horrible; but their creator Omega suffers from something else too - he’s weak. His constant ramblings, rages, and temper tantrums make him more akin to a cartoonish comic-book arch-rival theatrical-antagonist who can’t help but monologue about how unfair his situation is. Whilst everyone makes fun of the childish attitude of The Second Doctor, they should be exposing Omega for what he really is, an overgrown child who just wants his own way. He’s too easily ‘disposed’ of, but the resolution is clever and is continually interwoven throughout the narrative, without giving too much away. 
   As an anniverary special, its fine, but a bit of an anti-climax. It’s a decent attempt on many levels, and the burden of being trapped in an endless cycle of earthbound adventures is finally lifted. It’s a major relief for The Doctor, and almost rewards the viewers after three long years without much action in space. It’s great to see William Hartnell again.*** 

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