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20 May - 1 July 1967

Average Viewing Figure: 6.4M


Arriving in Victorian London, The Doctor encounters the Daleks where he supposedly betrays Jamie to help his enemies  


Patrick Troughton (The Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon), Marius Goring (Theodore Maxtible), John Bailey (Edward Waterfield)

Alec Ross (Bob Hall), Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield), Griffith Davies (Kennedy), Geoffrey Colville (Perry), Jo Rowbottom (Mollie Dawson)

Brigit Forsyth (Ruth Maxtible), Windsor Davies (Toby), Gary Watson (Arthur Terrall), Sonny Caldinez (Kemel)

Robert Jewell, Gerald Taylor, John Scott Martin, Murphy Grumbar, Ken Tyllson (Daleks), Peter Hawkins, Roy Skelton (Dalek Voices)


David Whitaker (Writer), Ron Grainer (Title Music), Dudley Simpson (Incidental Music), Daleks created by Terry Nation

Peter Diamond (Fight Arranger), Gerry Davis, Peter Bryant (Script Editors), Sandra Reid (Costumes), Gillian James (Make-Up)

Wally Whitmore (Lighting), Bryan Forgham (Sound), John Baker (Film Cameraman), Ted Walters (Film Edior)

Michaeljohn Harris, Peter Day (Visual Effects), Dalek fight sequence directed by Timothy Combe

Chris Thompson (Designer), Innes Lloyd (Producer), Derek Martinus (Director)

Uncredited Crew

John Barclay (Vision Mixer)


Number of Production Days: 16

Filming Locations

  • Grim's Dyke House, Harrow Weald, Middx

  • Kendal Avenue, Ealing, London

  • Warehouse Lane, Shepherd's Bush, London

  • Ealing Film Studios: Stage 3A/B

  • Lime Grove: Studio D

  • Ealing Film Studios: Stage 3


  • Edward Waterfield [killed by the Black Dalek]

  • Theodore Maxtible [presumably killed in the destruction of the Dalek city]

  • Kennedy [exterminated by a Dalek]

  • Toby [exterminated by a Dalek]

  • Kemel [killed when pushed off a cliff by Theodore Maxtible]

  • Daleks [destroyed as their city burned to the ground]

  • Emperor Dalek [destroyed as the Dalek city burned to the ground]

Production Days

  • 16 Days between Thursday 20 April - Saturday 24 June 1967

Production Errors

  1. Whilst a Dalek questions Victoria, a part of a camera wonders into the shot

  2. During episode two Maxtible calls Edward Waterfield 'Whitefield', and refers to Skaro as "Skarov" in episode six

  3. If Jamie is central to the Dalek's plot, why are the traps set for him so life-threatening? 

Working Titles

  • The Daleks (story outline)

  • War of the Daleks

  • Episode 1: To Set a Trap

  • Episode 2: The Net Tightens

  • Episode 3: A Trail of Strength

  • Episode 4: A Test of Skill

  • Episode 5: The Human Factor

  • Episode 7: The End of the Daleks 


Farcical and nonsensical storylines mixing together with several detours of the plot, The Evil of the Daleks is utter gibberish at the best of times, but the writing (often Whitaker’s strong point), holds the collapsing papier-mâché of a plot together, at least for half of the episodes. 
   Two episodes too long, several longueurs go underdeveloped, the relationship between The Doctor and Jamie goes through the motions, Maxtible (the epitome of a mad-scientist) is stuck on a broken records exclaiming ‘Gold, gold, gold, I must have it’, and almost every character is super unlikeable. The better of the episodes are the final two when the attention shifts to Skaro, but an impressive immobile Dalek Emperor does very little, and the Dalek/Human factor storylines bridgehead together, far too late in the day. 
   The Dalek/Human factor(s) with all of its iconography, is a more of critique of humans than Daleks; The Evil of the Daleks showcases just how cruel humans can be towards one and other, and the almost identical imagery to the Daleks is striking in nature. One could say, that it’s a tale of two civil wars, where humans and Daleks form an unwanted alliance with each other. A rarity during the Innes Lloyd/Gerry Davis era, most storylines relying on the base-under-siege or monster-attacking-a-remote-group-of-humans storylines to have any impact. Its works well here, despite its obvious flaws.
   Unintentionally funny at times, the child Daleks and the ‘bizarre’ cliffhanger to episode five, and a lapluster, but highly impressive battle sequence in episode seven, don’t make The Evil of the Daleks a grand piece of television, but it’s certainly a competent one. ***

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