24 April - 15 May 1965
Average Viewing Figure: 9.2M
When The Tardis jumps time tracks, The Doctor and his companions discover they become future exhibits in a space museum
William Hartnell (The Doctor), William Russell (Ian Chesterton), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara Wright), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki)
Peter Sanders (Sita), Peter Craze (Dako), Bill Starkey (Third Xeron), Lawrence Dean, Ken Morris (Morok Guard), Richard Shaw (Lobos)
Jeremy Bulloch (Tor), Salvin Stewaer (Morok Messenger), Peter Diamond (Morok Technician), Ivor Slater (Morok Commander)
Salvin Stewart, Peter Diamond, Billy Cornelius (Morok Guards), Michael Gordon, Edward Granville, David Wolliscroft
Bill Starkey (Xerons), Peter Hawkins (Dalek Voice), Murphy Grumbar (Dalek)
Uncredited Cast
Brian Proudfoot (Double for Dr Who), Salvin Stewart (Morok Voices)
Glyn Jones (Writer), Dennis Spooner (Story Editor), Peter Diamond (Fight Arranger), Ron Grainer (Title Music), Howard King (Lighting)
Ray Angel (Sound), Daphne Dare (Costumes Supervisor), Sonia Markham (Make-Up Supervisor), Spencer Chapman (Designer)
Verity Lambert (Producer), Mervyn Pinfield (Director)
Uncredited Crew
Caroline Walmsley, John Tait (Assistant Floor Managers), Tony Pearce (Costumes), Snowy White (Production Assistant)
George Prince (Studio Sound), Delia Derbyshire (Theme Arrangement), Trevor Beckett (Floor Assistant), Clive Doig (Vision Mixer)
Clive Gifford (Grams), Dickie Ashman (Lighting Assistant)
Filming Locations
Ealing Film Studios
Television Centre: Studio 4
Sita [killed by the Morok Commander]
Lobos [killed by Tor]
Morok Guard 1 [killed druing the Xeron Revolution]
Morok Guard 2 [killed during the Xeron Revolution]
Morok Guard 3 [killed during the Xeron Revolution]
Morok Guard 4 [killed during the Xeron Revolution]
Morok Commander [killed by Tor]
Morok Guard 5 [killed by the Sita]
Production Days
5 days between Thursday 11 March - Friday 23 April 196
Production Errors
When exiting the Tardis in episode one, the main character's shadows can be seen across the mountains in the distance, despite the fact that the mountains are miles away
At the start of the episode one, Ian remarks that they are still wearing their 13th century clothes. This is incorrect since The Crusade is set in the 12th century
After it is established that they can't touch any of the exhibits, the main characters hide behind a statue, bump into it, causing it to wobble
During episode three, Ian picks up what is presumably a rock, and throws it over the Tardis to distract a Morok guarding the ship. However no sound is heard which would otherwise have distracted the Morok
Working Titles
The Four Dimensions of Time
Zone Seven
Upon first viewing this one, it’s easy to see that The Space Museum was the budget saving story of the season, with recycled sets and everything in-between, but unlike other serials around it, The Space Museum uses its disadvantages to better itself. The story although very simple, and one that does require a lot of attention at the best of times, has many layers to it which makes it more intelligent than its counterparts. Writer Glyn Jones throws in some humour (The Doctor mimicking a Dalek, and subsequent interrogation by the Moroks), in amongst a story which could be rightfully seen as an antiapartheid narrative, since Glyn Jones was born in South Africa, and the Morok and Xeon’s costumes emphasise the difference between Master and Slave.
The story has some pacing issues especially in the two parts where it feels like one big run around, heck it is one, with very little variety throughout, and a lack of scene change can make for some tedious viewing. Writer Glyn Jones should be congratulated nonetheless in writing a four-episode serial that largely takes place in one building, something many future Doctor Who writers attempt, and almost always succeed at. Impressive model shots emphasise a grand scale of things and the final two episodes are much more focused and direct, with moments of heroism, action and visually stimulating set pieces, and some very oddly put together scene transitions. The Space Museum is a very clever idea (not too clever mind!), using time travel as a primary plot device, one of very few stories to do so resulting in what is perhaps William Hartnell’s most underrated adventure. The cliffhanger and closing moments to episode one are superb. ***