1 - 22 September 1979
Average Viewing Figure: 13.5M
Landing on Skaro, The Doctor and Romana are caught in the middle of a war between The Daleks and Movellans
Tom Baker (The Doctor), Lalla Ward (Romana), Tim Barlow (Tyssan), Peter Straker (Commander Sharrel), David Gooderson (Davros)
Suzanne Danielle (Agella), Tony Osoba (Lan), Cassandra (Movellan Guard), Penny Casdagli (Jall), David Yip (Veldan)
Cy Town, Mike Mungarvan (Daleks), Roy Skelton (Dalek Voices)
Uncredited Cast
Roy Skelton (Voice of K9), Maggy Armitage (Short Romana), Yvonne Gallagher (Tall Romana), Lee Richards (Short Romana)
Sandra Kneller, Hazel O'Mara, Sue Dorning, Sharon Richardson, Venicia Day, Errol M Shaker, Ron Tarr, Leroy Mitchell, Huntley Young
Lewis St Juste, Bruce Callende, Maggie Pilleau, Gito Santana, Toby Byrne, Marcus Powell (Slaves), Tawny Sands, Inga Daly Jules
Chrissi Hewett, Ken Kajadhar, Wilson M George, Bruce Callender, Peter Coleclough, Susan Lyle (Movellans)
Toby Byrne, Tony Starr (Daleks), David Gooderson (Dalek Voices)
Terry Nation (Writer), Dudley Simpson (Incidental Music), Dick Mills (Special Sound), Henry Foster (Production Assistant)
John Nathan-Turner (Production Unit Manager), Roz Berrystone (Director's Assistant), David Tilley (Assistant Floor Manager)
Phil Law, Kevin Rowley (Film Cameramen), Fred Hamilton (Steadicam), Graham Bedwell (Film Recordist), Dick Allen (Film Editor)
John Dixon (Studio Lighting), Clive Gifford (Studio Sound), John Dean (Technical Manager), Alec Wheal (Senior Cameraman)
Peter Logan (Visual Effects Designer), Dave Jervis (Electronic Effects), Nigel Finnis (Vision Mixer), Alan Goddard (Videotape Editor)
June Hudson (Costume Designer), Cecile Hay-Arthur (Make-Up Artist), Douglas Adams (Script Editor), Ken Ledsham (Designer)
Graham Williams (Producer), Ken Grieve (Director)
Filming Locations
Winspit Quarry, Worth Matravers, Dorest
Binnegar Heath Sand Pit, Wareham, Dorest
Visual Effects Department, Acton
Television Centre: Studio 1
Television Centre: Studio 3
Slaves [exterminated by Daleks]
Daleks [destroyed in an explosion]
Production Days
11 Days between Monday 11 June - Tuesdsay 17 July 1979
Number of Production Days: 5
Production Errors
During certain underground scenes, in part one and two, studio lights can be seen in the shaft
During part four, a Dalek moves up a small rope, during the scene, a hand can be seen at the edge of the screen pushing the Dalek casing up the rope
When the slaves storm the Movellan's ship, one of them is wearing a Draconian-style outfit. This slave is killed, but he is later seen alive and well later on in the serial
Davros at one point hits the side of a door causing it to shudder
During part four, there is a scene where you can see through a Dalek's midsection
The close-ups of the Movellan ship burying its lower section are poorly realised. The shots give the impression that the ground is made up of giant grains of sand
Working Titles
[no known working titles]
Destiny of the Daleks is nothing that special nor is it unwatchable. Director Ken Grieve shows effort mixing low angles, depth-of-field and long, sweeping shots to create a diverse multidimensional world. The opening few moments on Skaro are exceptional and are easily the best bits of the serial. There is some good design work and the Dalek have some creditability. Davros on the other hand is not good. Gooderson just does not have the same voice and charisma as Wisher did in Genesis of the Daleks and his plan is very rushed and his purpose is not clear. The fight scene in episode four is less than to be desired and the Movellans are not very noteworthy. They’re are robots and pretty, that’s all. The effects have improved from previous Dalek stories mainly their extermination ray, much more refined and much more believable. As a whole Destiny of the Daleks is middle of the road entertainment and nothing more. ***